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Writer's pictureCS Simpson

My PPW Anthology Favs

Updated: May 13, 2022

I'm happy to say that I finally got to read all the amazing stories and poems included in the Fresh Starts: Tales from the Pikes Peak Writers anthology!

It was strange to pick up an actual book, containing one of my short stories, and not know what other literary gems were included! Even knowing that every entry follows the required "Fresh Starts" theme, it's amazing to see how many ways there are of interpreting the phrase. With thirty authors/poets and four editors (all but one of whom I've never met), I knew it would be eclectic, but . . . wow. It starts off with a bang - the story of a woman waiting for her husband and daughter to return home so she can run away to safety with her kids, and ends with a story of much-needed forgiveness. There are tales of failure and hope, causing both laughter and tears throughout. I'm so honored to be included!

So, out of everything between the book's covers, what are my favorites? (besides my own, that is? 😆) Ironically, they're all at the END of the book. I enjoyed the sad quirkiness of THE KNIGHT ERRANT by Ian Neligh, the near-miss of LOVE IN THE TIME OF SCURVY by Jere Ellison, and the sweet release of AFTER by Debbie Maxwell Allen. Runners-up for me include the poem THE SEA BEYOND by Shelley Kitchra Nelson, and a story that reminded me a lot of Schitt's Creek, SOMEDAY BABY by Katie Day.

Have you read this book yet? Do you have a favorite entry? Please comment below to share.

All in all, I genuinely enjoyed each and every story and poem included in this first PPW anthology. I wouldn't have left any of them out either, yet I wonder what other marvelous submissions the editors had to choose from? I can't wait to get writing for the next Pikes Peak Writers anthology!

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