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Join me on StoriesLive!
- Wednesday, June 16, 2021 -
This event is now over, but you can still watch and listen to the stories at your leisure. Click the video below to listen (For a shortcut to my appearance, fast forward to 47:11).
Book Signing Event!
- May 27th, 2023 from 12 - 3pm-
12 E Bijou, Colorado Springs, CO
Inviting all local fans of the Pikes Peak Writer's Anthologies! Join us for a book signing at Hooked on Books in downtown Colorado Springs Saturday, May 27th, from 12-3, at 12 E Bijou, Colorado Springs, CO.
Come meet me and my fellow authors: Catherine Dilts, Jeff Schmoyer, and Robert Spiller. We'll be signing copies of the latest
Pikes Peak Writers anthology: Journeys into Possibility. I will also have copies of The Fable Triad available for purchase, along with a complimentary author's signature.
Bonus - cookies and lemonade will be served!
June 15, 2021:
Please join me for a live broadcast on either YouTube or Facebook, where I'll be reading a portion of my recently published short story, "Memories." Two other authors from Fresh Starts: Tales from the Pikes Peak Writers will also be reading from their stories, as well as a few others. Put a reminder in your calendar: 7 p.m. MST.