Greetings, Followers! Apologies for such a delay in communications this summer. Yes, I've been slacking off a bit to enjoy the weather (and I hope you have, too). I'm feeling especially studious today, though, so I'm here to fill you in on my writerly doings these past few months.
First and foremost: I've been editing the hot mess that was last November's NaNoWriMo project. Do you remember that one? No? Please click here to catch up. Yes, that December blog wishfully mentioned my plan to finish the first draft of The Science of Stars novel by this spring. Unfortunately, it's nearly August and I'm only halfway through the editing process, nowhere near finishing 🫣. Honestly, I'm still thrilled with my progress because the project has NOT languished somewhere in the proverbial desk drawer. So, a quick recap: the November mad dash project ended with 67K words written in just thirty days! Then I ignored it for a few months while I polished and published my final fable. Since then, I've added nearly 10K more words to The Science of Stars, fixed hundreds of typos, rewritten several story inconsistencies, and almost solved a mystery that wrote itself into the novel. Whew! My NEW goal is to get everything I wrote last November as polished as possible. Then, THIS November—actually FINISH the book! If I'm lucky, I'll be querying literary agents with the final draft by this time next year! 🤣 (it's good to have goals, right?)
Second: now that my self-published Fable Triad is complete, I've been looking into the process of creating audiobooks for you! The research involved in this has been a little more difficult than I'd imagined. AND I am a notoriously slow decision-maker. Have you seen that t-shirt that says, "Hold on, let me overthink this"? That's me—all the way 😆. So, if you're a voice actor—or know someone who is—I'm open to helpful technology suggestions (PLEASE)! I hope to have at least one audiobook available sometime near Christmas 2023. Wish me luck!
And finally: I am still actively seeking a literary agent for my completed The Flower Maiden manuscript. In case you weren't aware, this is a time-consuming (and frankly maddening) process. However, I harbor no anger at the many, many rejections I've received. I'm mostly confused. I must not be communicating the essence of the novel well in my queries and need to change . . . something. This, too, triggers my overthinking, which can stall progress. Yet, even though the road to traditional publishing moves at a snail's pace, I must assume I'll get eventually get there or I will stop trying. And I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Onward!
Well, there you have it, my friends! My mid-year check-in with you is complete. As always, feel free to ask me questions, for I'm certain I've forgotten to share SOMETHING with you. 😎
