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Writer's pictureCS Simpson

My 2023 Year In Review

. . . and plans for this year!

Happy 2024, my friends! There's nothing quite as inspiring as a whole new set of 365 days brimming with promise ahead of us. Our minds turn to fresh ideas, unfinished projects, new goals, and of course . . . our accomplishments from the newly ended year.

So without further ado, I'd like to share my 2023 writerly achievements with you! My year in review:

  • Completed and published the final book in The Fable Triad, The Mermaid and the River Otter. 🥳

  • Had a poem published in a new anthology, Journeys Into Possibility. 🎉

  • Updates on my completed novel, The Flower Maiden:

    • Sent out 31 queries to literary agents and editors

      • Received 17 no-thank-you's, 5 queries have timed-out (so they're a "no"), and am still waiting for responses from the rest.

    • Almost found an agent in the spring (very close call). 😭

    • Added a new element and two new characters to that same novel, based on said agent's comments.

    • Had a chat with a beta reader that was very encouraging. 🥰

  • Attended one online writers' conference.

  • Participated in two "pitchfests" (events to get an agent's attention via social media).

    • Received 3 interested agents, two of whom have since declined.

  • Helped edit a friend's non-fiction book, Propel Your Potential.

  • Sent out several short stories to various magazines and podcasts.

  • Attended two book signing events. 🤓

  • Was a guest author at a local book club who read The Fable Triad.

  • Began working on an audiobook for my first fable, The Elephant and the Dragon.

  • Completed a passable 2nd draft of my 2022 NaNoWriMo project, The Science of Stars.

  • Participated in NaNoWriMo 2023 with The Science of Stars, Book TWO! 🤩

  • Sent/received hundreds of comments to/from my amazing writer's group.

  • Read/listened to 56 books in 2023! Check out Goodreads to see a list of titles.

Whew! I may be missing a thing or two in the above list, but . . . you get the idea. I've been busy!

Now, onto my 2024 goals!

  • Find an agent for The Statue of Cliffside Manor, formerly titled The Flower Maiden.

  • Finish recording, edit, then release The Elephant and the Dragon audiobook!

  • Write more poetry.

  • Publish another short story or two.

  • Continue developmental edit of The Science of Stars: Book 1.

  • Finish and edit The Science of Stars: Book 2.

  • Plan The Science of Stars: Book 3 for NaNoWriMo 2024 in November!

Fun Fact: This summer will mark the beginning of my full-time journey as a fiction writer. Believe it or not, I didn't know this is who I wanted to be, yet being a writer has become the most fulfilling "me" I've ever been. I'm grateful to have learned so much from other writers, friends, family, and my readers along the way. It's true that we are ever-learning, ever-evolving creatures. Who you are today may not be exactly who you are in five or ten years. Life has a way of growing us—if we let it. If you're still searching for "your thing," don't give up hope! You might just find it around the next corner (or the next).

Now, I must get back to editing and planning and stressing and writing and reading—so much to do! I hope you have a pleasant and fruitful year, my friends. And, as always, I wish you happy reading!

2023 turning into 2024

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Hanna Anderson
Hanna Anderson
Jan 02

Golly, you are shining bright! I'm so grateful to hear of your successes and your dreams! Get it, girl!

CS Simpson
CS Simpson
Jan 04
Replying to

Thank you, Hanna!

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