Hello, my friends. Can you believe it's already the end of summer and the kids are headed back to school soon? I hope you've been enjoying time out in the warm sun, and a few lazy days with family or friends. I am a shade-sitter, myself, while my dog like to bake in the sun. 😎 As I shared in my last blog, I've enjoyed writing and hanging out with my dog outside a lot these past few months. What I failed to share, is another project I've been working on!
The Elephant and the Dragon is my first published story and I still LOVE it, even though it's only available in ebook format (currently). I revisited this little fable recently and recalled that I left a teaser for subsequent fables in the first chapter! Remember this?
So—you guessed it—I've been story building for TWO fable sequels, and I'd like to give my insiders a sneak peek! The working title for the marine fable is: The Dolphin and the Octopus, whereas the coastline fable is: The Mermaid and the River Otter. Both will follow the same structured format as the first, but have their own unique settings, leadership personalities, and lessons. The images below are my first fun ideas for book covers, to help inspire me. I enjoy doing this for every long project I work on. They each sport a different oil painting filter.
What do you think? Feel free to share your fable ideas with me. Maybe they'll make it somewhere into the final edits!
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